Maleficent Discussion Questions

Family Movie Night
This film can help trigger meaningful dialogue on the nature of true love, the condition of the human heart, and the consequences of pursuing hate and revenge.

  1. At what point does Maleficent become evil? Regardless of how she was treated, could Maleficent have avoided becoming evil?
  2. The name “Maleficent” means “doing evil or harm.” In real life, do you think it is possible for a person who can be really evil to also be so good at times—like Maleficent was in the movie? Why or why not?
  3. What do you think “true love” is? What is “true love” according to this movie? Does it agree with the biblical idea of “true love”? (Read John 15:13.)
  4. Why was Stefan’s love for Maleficent not “true love”?
  1. Maleficent becomes evil after Stefan steals her wings. She could have avoided becoming evil by choosing to forgive Stefan instead of wallowing in her own sorrow and desire for revenge.
  2. When God created humans, he said that they were “very good” along with the rest of his creation (Genesis 1:31). Despite the fall, humans are still “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14), but they are also sinful by nature because of what happened in Genesis 3 (Psalm 51:5). Even Christians struggle with the conflict between the sinful nature and the Holy Spirit within them (Romans 7:15-25).
  3. According to the Bible, true love is a self-emptying or self-sacrificing love. This is the kind of love that Maleficent has for Aurora: she is willing to risk her life and enter the castle in order to free the princess from the spell.
  4. Stefan’s love for Maleficent was not “true love” because he was willing to hurt her in order to get what he wanted. His love was selfish. If he had really loved Maleficent, he would have protected her even if it meant giving up his dreams.

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